Sunday, 22 May 2011

Ways to improve rhythm sense

There are three things you have remember in order to do these exercises correctly.

1. Remember to practice counting rhythm exercises out loud
This is often overlooked by many people. They start by playing the rhythms on their instrument before they really have internalized them properly. The key to good sense of rhythm is internalization. The fastest way to do that is by counting the rhythms out loud as best and as tight to the metronome clicks as you can. I found out that after five to seven proper repetitions, my students have a clear picture of the rhythm in their heads. They are able to count the rhythm perfectly in sync with metronome and this is what you should be after also.

2. Remember to use a metronome when doing these exercises
A metronome is the most important tool you have to improve your technique. It is crucial that you use it correctly. Many beginners tend not to focus on the pulse of metronome. They listen to it couple of times and then they just wing it. The important thing to remember is to be always focused on the pulse. Try not to think of anything else but the rhythm exercise you are practicing and the pulse of the metronome.

3. Remember to tap your foot with the metronome
Tapping your foot with the metronome clicks is also important to getting a good sense of rhythm but unfortunately when you ask guitar players, for example, to tap their foot as they play, most will fail miserably. Try it for yourself and see if you can do it. Tap quarter notes with your foot as you play some of your favorite riffs. If you can not do it, do not be discouraged. You are not alone. From now on, whenever you are practicing with a metronome, try to include your foot. This will also help you to internalize the rhythms better.

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